Geekscape 521: Venturing Into SpaceWorld!

Have you watched ‘SpaceWorld’, the brand new animated pilot starring ‘The Room’s Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero? Maybe you haven’t and this is the first time hearing about it… but maybe you have and want to know more! Either way, this is a great episode! I sit down with ‘SpaceWorld’ creator Brock Laborde, publisher Octopie’s Lon Strickland and Greg Sestero and talk about the weird as hell but really hilariously fun project! What is it like working with Tommy? Where did the idea for ‘SpaceWorld’ come from? After writing the successful ‘The Disaster Artist’, what has Greg been up to? And what is the charm of absurd cinema and animation and how is ‘SpaceWorld’ something new in a landscape filled with referential and blue humor? Plus… Brock and I share our love for The Herculoids! Enjoy!

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