Frank Darabont Finalizing NOT Re-Writing ‘Godzilla’ Script

There’s been quite a bit of news regarding Godzilla today. We learned of Frank Darabont was being brought on board to help with the script as well as a short list of actors up for the male lead. It appears there has been some misconception regarding Frank Darabont’s involvement with the Garth Edward’s directed film. The Godzilla 3D Facebook page has revealed that Darabont is NOT re-writing the script but rather finalizing it.

There’s a bit of misconception and worry surrounding the news of new writer Frank Darabont writing Godzilla. He is NOT RE-WRITING the script, he is finalizing it. This is how the process for the film went…

– David Callaham submitted the first draft
– David Goyer rewrote the first draft & fleshed the story out better
– Max Borenstein completed Goyer’s rewrite
– Drew Pearce finalized the characters
– Frank Darabont is finalizing the full script.

The story has not changed at all. Just some revisions.

Current word is that the film will begin production on March 14th and filming will take place in Vancouver and Hawaii. So, despite some legal troubles with producers it appears that everything is on track for the next Godzilla film. From what has been shown (if you were lucky enough to be in Hall H at Comic-Con) and talked about regarding this film, it sounds like they are taking it very serious and Godzilla fans should be in for a real treat.

Godzilla is set to hit theaters May 16th, 2014.

Source: Godzilla 3D