Feast Your Ridiculous Gelatinous Orbs on this Battlestar Galactica Ep. 4.15 Review!

A lot of backstory covered in Friday night’s episode of BSG — we’ve been waiting for answers, and now we’re starting to get them!


I loved the scenes between Cavil and the newly downloaded Ellen. It may be easy for some to come away from these scenes with the impression that Cavil is just acting out like a pimpled faced teenager pissed off at the injustice of a curfew, but if you listen closely to what he is saying, doesn’t it make a little sense?

Cavil’s “In all your travels, have you ever seen a star supernova?” monologue could go down as one of the best monologues written for the series, and Dean Stockwell delivers it pitch perfect. In it, he describes his anger and feelings of betrayal for having to perceive one of the most glorious events in the universe with the limited senses of a human being. His argument is that he is a machine — why didn’t Ellen and the final five allow him to be a machine? Why did he have to be made in man’s image?

Ellen, on the other hand, believes that humans — despite their physical limitations — contain more important characteristics: love, creativity, etc. It’s great to see Ellen’s character show more than the drunk Lady Macbeth we’ve seen in the past. These scenes seem to suggest that Cavil is the major villian of the series, a cylon so hellbent on punishing his “mother” and the other makers, that he erases their memory, dumps them amongst the humans to learn a lesson, and then starts the holocaust.


With five episodes left, the BSG writers weren’t content in just answering questions — oh no, they had to go and create another mystery for us to nerdvestigate! Apparently, there’s another skinjob model named Daniel. Cavil hates him and he’s described as “artisitic”. Hey, Starbuck’s shown a talent for painting — any takers?


Meanwhile, Anders, bullet-in-brain, gives a cylon history lesson to the final four and Starbuck. If I got this right (and this is definitely a multiple viewing episode) the final five discovered the ancient and forgotten cylon technology of resurrection, which was no longer used because they could reproduce naturally. Anticipating the nuclear apocalypse on Earth, the final five develop the resurrection technology and download themselves so they can survive. Pretty forward thinking, guys!


In the ongoing saga that is Adama’s contradictory leadership style, he appoints Tyrol as Chief again and asks him to repair the cracks in the ship. When Tyrol suggests using the organic cylon technology, Adama freaks out and refuses. Yeah — the same Adama who ordered all the other ships in the fleet to allow cylons on board to install cylon technology. Of course, he changes his mind, but only after hitting the bottle again. Has Adama ever made a decision without first sulking in his quarters with a glass of scotch? I thought Tigh was supposed to be the series lush.

So… Were you happy with the answers, or did they raise more questions? Who do you think Daniel is? Am I being too hard on Adama, or is he really a douche?


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