Feast Your Eyes! Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained Gets a Teaser Poster!

Geekscape just got sent this teaser poster for Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained”, starring Jamie Foxx as a freed slave who pursues the slavers who have his wife. Christoph Waltz plays a bounty hunter who helps him in this pursuit. I loved the script (all 1,000 or so pages of it (sarcasm)) and sitting in a seat on Christmas watching this thing is definitely what I’ll be doing this holiday season (a movie about slavery… on Christmas!?! why not!?!)! The movie also stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Sam Jackson, Walt Goggins, James Remar, Kurt Russell, Sasha Baron Cohen, Kerry Washington and Don Johnson. Need more stars? Too bad. There are none left.

Check out this teaser poster. I think it’s perfect.