Farewell to Jerry Nelson: The Supporting Muppet

About an hour ago it was announced that Jerry Nelson had passed away. While he won’t receive the news coverage of some of the other celebrity deaths this week, it’s the one that affected me the most and to be honest, I think Jerry would have liked it that way.

While Muppeteers like Jim Henson, Frank Oz and Dave Goelz shined in the spotlight controlling Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo and Ms Piggy. Jerry Nelson was the king of the Supporting Muppet role bring to life such famous felt fellows like Sgt Floyd Pepper, Robin the Frog, Uncle Deadly and Camilla the Chicken.

However he got to shine in later years as Emmet Otter in the Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas special as well as Gobo Fraggle and Pa Gorg in the hit HBO series Fraggle Rock.

His most iconic character will always be Sesame Street’s the Count which he continued to provide the voice for even after retiring in 2004. He was a member of the Muppet family until his dying day (even providing some voice over work in last years The Muppets).

He will be missed by the entire Muppet loving community.

R.I.P. Jerry Nelson
7/10/34 – 8/23/12