E3 2014: ‘Mortal Kombat X’ Looks Absolutely Brutal!

We saw the teaser trailer, now we can see what the next generation of Mortal Kombat has in store for us.

Shown during Sony’s E3 press conference, Morkal Kombat X, (as in “ex”, not 10, because we don’t want to date ourselves here), was put on display in full force, and watching it shows that as the series has evolved into a respectible fighting game in its own right, it’s still the king of over the top violence in a wave of increasingly gory games.

Showing both Sub Zero and Scorpion as well as two new characters, (one of which is a two in one fighter consisting of a smaller person riding on top of a monster about the size of Kintaro), the combo system and fighting mechanics look similar to both the last game and Netherrealm’s DC fighter, Injustice, but with a few new tricks for the faithful. Watching this new character bounce back and forth between these two person combos or seeing Sub Zero throw his unused ice clone at Scorpion was a blast to watch. Just imagine how much fun it can be once it actually releases.

And the fatalities… My lord, the fatalities! If the return of the X-Ray attacks weren’t enough for you, (which somehow manage to look ten times more cringeworthy than they did the first time around), then the new ways you can finish the fight take it to a whole ‘nother level. I didn’t think an MK game could still make me squirm after so many years, but after watching those chests explode, bodies get ripped apart and the detail of the opponents gasping for their last breath found a way to make it happen.

Just… just check out the trailer below. You just HAVE to see MKX for yourself and let us know which fatality was your favorite from the ones shown.