Director Tim Miller Offers An Update On ‘Deadpool’

As we all know, a Kickstarter for a film adaptation of the much loved comic The Goon was introduced at last weekend’s New York Comic Con (side note, funding is currently sitting at 37%, tell your friends!). David Fincher is set to direct the feature, which was introduced to him by friend Tim Miller.

A fan on the Kickstarter page recently asked about progress on the Deadpool film. Tim Miller, who is currently set to direct the project, had some unfortunate (if not expected) news:

“We’ve turned in an amazing script and done some early tests and visual development that–I’m confident–would get the fans stoked. And Ryan still loves the project. So it’s really up to Fox as to whether or not the film happens–all I can do is hope (and beg periodically) that it be allowed to move ahead. “

The news is basically a confirmation of what many of us expected. The film hasn’t been officially canned, but it seems as though it’s been sent down to development hell, unlikely to see the light of day anytime soon. Definitely a sad realization for all us fans.

The one sliver of hope here may be the fact that Mark Millar is consulting on all of the Fox’ Marvel properties. If anyone can get Deadpool off the back burner, it’s going to be him.

How excited were you for this movie to happen?

Source: Kickstarter