Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford, Wesley Snipes And Nicolas Cage In ‘The Expendables 3’?!

The Expendables 2 isn’t even in theaters yet and we are already hearing details about a third film in the franchise! Total Film sat down with producer Avi Lerner who revealed four stars that they’re trying to get in the sequel.

“We’ve approached Clint Eastwood to be one of the guys, we’ve got a character in mind for him. We’re talking to Harrison Ford. [And we want] Wesley Snipes when he comes back from prison. I’ll give you one more name, we’ve got Nicolas Cage to play [one of the characters].

And we’re going to bring Mickey Rourke back, if he won’t be too crazy. I like Mickey. And of course, all the existing stars [will return]”

Somewhere out there Geekscape writer Molly Mahan’s head just exploded. If they can pull this one off it’d be an incredible feat. Nic Cage has apparently already signed on and from the sounds of it Eastwood hasn’t said no yet to it. So, uh when do pre-sale tickets for The Expendables 3 go on sale?