Chronicle Director In Talks For Big Screen Version of Marvel’s Venom

Arguably the best super hero movie on the year so far has been first time director Josh Trank’s Chronicle, which wasn’t even based on any actual comic books and was an original property. Even before Chronicle came out to rave reviews and good box office, there was talk that Fox wanted Trank to helm their upcoming Fantastic Four reboot. Tranks denied all of these rumors, but it looks like there might be another comic book style movie he is doing instead: Venom

According to the Los Angeles Times, it appears Josh Trank is being eyed to do a big screen version of the classic Spider-Man villan for Sony. Sony own the movie rights to Spider-Man and all related characters, including Venom. A Venom film has been simmering at the back burner at the studios, dating back at least to 2008 and going back before plans for this years’s newly rebooted Spidey franchise. Gary Ross negotiated to direct a Venom film back in 2009 but moved on to other projects, including the upcoming “Hunger Games.”Screenwiter Jacob Estes wrote a draft of a “Venom” script several years ago, but producers are seeking a new writer for the project. Apparently, the Ross version had Venom as less a villain and more an antihero, much as he was in the late 90’s Marvel comics. You know, the ones everyone hated.

The question is. will this tie in to the upcoming reboot of Spider-Man, or somehow divorce Venom from the Spider-Man mythology all together? The latter seems stupid, but unless somehow Eddie Brock is introduced in the next movie as well as the symbiote, I’m not surehow this is going to all work. Personally,  I would have much preferred Trank’s take on the Fantastic Four than Venom, as that is the one Marvel property that has never really been done justice yet. All the other Marvel Icons can at least count one to two really good movies to their names.

Chronicle director Josh Trank looks to be leaving Fox for Sony, and trading in the FF for a played out Spidey villain.