Calgary Expo 2014 Adds An Additional Day!

Briefly: With Comikaze 2013 now a fond memory (you have checkout out of coverage, right?) of all the good times that were had over this past weekend, we must look forward to the conventions of 2014.

The folks of the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo just announced that they are adding another day of entertainment filled excitement to their calendar. This will be the first year that the Calgary Expo will go for four days like Comic Con International which is very exciting. The 2013 Calgary Expo had numerous events beyond just the con going on, including a Weird Al concert, Dinner with Peter Dinklage and Lena Headey, and a cocktail party with the people of Torchwood (John Barrowman, Gareth David-Lloyd, and Eve Myles) and from the people I spoke with these did not disappoint.

Tickets for the Calgary expo have already gone on sale and they will start announcing guests on December 1st. Stay tuned and we at Geekscape will be sure to keep you in the loop!
