Bully Finally Gets a PG Rating…In Canada, Anyway

Alberta announced today that it would follow suit with B.C. and give Bully a PG rating. The rating system in Canada is more or less the same as it is in the States (G, PG, 14A [PG-13], 18-A [R], and A [NC-17]).  The American MPAA “R” rating is similar to the Canadian “18A” category (under-18s admitted with adult accompaniment). The Canadian “R” category would be similar to the American NC-17 rating.  The Canadian ratings almost never follow the American counterpart, so it isn’t for a movie to get an R in the states and a PG or 14A in Canada.  Ratings are important for a movies success, but it seems the US doesn’t understand the necessity for movies like Bully to be seen by all ages. It’s more important for children to be seeing this movie than it is for adults being the only ones that can see it in the US.

A lot of us geeks were picked on and bullied growing up turning us into the bullies of the internet. Stop the cycle, adults aren’t the ones that can prevent kids from being bullied but this movie may help change the behavior of children if they get the chance to see it.