Beta for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Starts April 19th, Ghost Recon Network Service Announced

Finally! After waiting for so, so long, the beta is coming for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. On April 19th, you can get into the beta three different ways:

1. Own a copy of Splinter Cell: Conviction. You can access the beta from the game.

2. Get a beta key for the Xbox 360 version by pre-ordering the Ghost Recon: FS at GameStop.

3. Playstation Plus members will receive a beta key.

No word on when PC gamers will get a crack at the beta yet. Hopefully, we will see some news this month about it. The window for the beta is April 19th to May 2nd. I reached out to Ubisoft for info if there is another way for PS3 gamers to get a beta key other than Playstation Plus. I will update this post when I get a reply.

Ubisoft also announces Ghost Recon Network. Much like how Call of Duty Elite has a website that integrates alongside the mobile apps for stats in the game and changing weapon load outs, Ghost Recon Network will function the same way.

Customize and share in-game weapons on the go
•  Use GunSmith mobile to customize weapons down to their inner parts in 3D and sync them to consoles
•  Publish weapons to the GunSmith Gallery and browse guns posted by the Ghost Recon Network community

Track player history and friends’ in-game status
•  Access personal player performance on Ghost Recon: Future Soldier & upcoming Ghost Recon games and compare stats on leaderboards
•  Receive challenges, friend activity reports and community updates via the website or push notifications on smartphones and tablets

Receive exclusive rewards
•  Download the free Ghost Recon Network app at launch to unlock additional attachment credits in Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
•  Earn weapons and weapon skins in Ghost Recon: Future Soldier by playing other Ghost Recon games or interacting with other Ghost Recon experiences

Become a better player
•  Study detailed game information and heatmaps to prepare for the next battle
•  Build and manage your squad, add recruits and search for competing squads

Players will be able to play around with Ghost Recon Network and the android app during the beta period. Can’t wait to see you all in the beta. Now where did I put my Splinter Cell: Conviction box?