Watch an Exclusive ‘Power Rangers Dino Charge’ Clip! (And, We Might See The Premiere Earlier!)

Get excited, Power Rangers fans! Yeah, all three of you!

The hype for Dino Charge has begun, and unlike the hot garbage from the last few years, it actually looks exciting! The Rangers appear to have nuance, and — gasp, character! In this clip, Tyler and Shelby accidentally become Power Rangers for the first time ever.

To non-fans it doesn’t seem like much, but to Power Rangers fans who have suffered through Samurai to Super Megaforce, there are shades of earlier, better-written series like DinoThunder in this clip so any excitement we had going in are slowly becoming validated. I for one cannot wait.

Power Rangers Dino Charge premieres February 7th on Nickelodeon. But according to a Twitter post from earlier, we may be able to watch it sooner than that!

RT: Unlock the 1st ep. of #PowerRangers #DinoCharge on if this tweet gets 100 RTs by TONIGHT!

— Power Rangers (@PowerRangers) January 29, 2015

Wow, only 100 retweets? As of right now, there are 764, so yeah, we’re seeing it soon! Keep checking back to Geekscape, we’ll keep you posted as soon as we know more.