The Winner Of The Second ‘Splatoon’ North American Splatfest Is…

Team Roller Coasters!

Splatoon Splatfest 2 Screen 1

Over the weekend, Nintendo held the second Splatoon Splatfest in North America. These online competition has players vote for one of two teams, then makes them go head to head in Turf Wars for 24 hours to claim team supremacy. Once over, points are tallied between popularity and number of wins, with the victorious team walking away with bragging rights and a larger share of Super Sea Snails. These items can be exchanged for either additional ability slots on your favorite gear, or randomize the perks you already have if the clothes you’re using it on are already full by heading over to the local drug dealer sea urchin.

In this war between Team Roller Coasters and Team Water Slides, the latter couldn’t pull off a victory despite having a higher popularity percentage. Like cats vs. dogs, the more popular team failed to win more battles, but this time, the difference in wins was enough to put Team Roller Coasters over the top. On the other side of the world, Japan’s battle of Team Eating vs. Team Sleeping predictably ended in Team Eating’s victory, likely because their opponents weren’t actually awake to play.

What side were you on? What do you hope are the next subjects for future Splatfests? And why do people with bad taste keep winning more matches? Share your theories in the comments below!