The Ten Rings From ‘Iron Man’ Returning In ‘Iron Man 3’

Well, if you didn’t expect this one…you should have. The terrorist organization The Ten Rings that captured Tony Stark in the first Iron Man will be returning for Shane Black’s Iron Man 3. The name of the organization was originally a wink to fans of the comics who knew that one of Iron Man’s most famous opponents, The Mandarin, had ten magical rings he would wear that would give him powers.

You can see the organization’s logo in the banner behind Mr. Stark. The same logo that appears on these hats:

It is highly likely that the group will obviously have ties to the movies antagonist, The Mandarin. However, the actual details of those ties are unknown at the moment. A trailer is expected to be released in the coming weeks and just like the rest of you I can’t wait for Phase Two to start.

Source: LR