The Saint Mort Show Episode 40: Dr. Paul D. Greene

Holy shit a New Saint Mort Show?

Yes friends it seems that I grew a little fearful that the rumored end of the world in 2012 was a real thing and have been in hiding since December. That’s obviously not true however I prefer that bullshit excuse over the truth that I just got lazy.

Hopefully you’re willing to forgive me because I’m back!

I’m happy to release Episode 40 the long lost interview with Dr. Paul D. Greene author of Metal Rules The Globe. I recorded this interview in October and then just never released it.

I’m back baby and have a few new interviews recorded that I’m excited to release in the near future.

Below is a link to where you can purchase Metal Rules The Globe, I mention my Chords for Cures show on June 14th come check it out and I closed the show with a song by Timmy Dean.

Also the song playing during the intro is Those Galloping Hordes Mr. Jacob Geehr

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