The Internet’s Best Reactions To Best Buy’s $200 Gift Card For $15 Glitch

If you were away from social media last night, (and honesly, you’re probably better off for it,) then you likely missed it when Best Buy’s $200 gift card was mistakenly sold for $15. Whether or not the chain will actually honor these orders is yet to be seen, but the Internet’s reaction to the fiasco didn’t disappoint.

While some poked fun at the absurdity of the concept, others teased it as a way to sabotage Amazon’s upcoming Prime event. Others figured they would skip the online robbery and go straight for the real thing! Employees on the other hand, just said screw it and are planing on calling out tomorrow. View our gallery of the best we’ve found so far below and click on the images to join in on the fun!

Tell us which one is your favorite, and feel free to add your own!