Teabag Prevention Presents – Reflection

Ivory Tower… er… Reflection offers three levels of shooting each other. Between firefights by lifts, or races to the Rocket spawn, may I suggest you make acquaintances with the resident fishes that witness the atrocities you commit. Already have you say? Well, they were my friends first.





You’re going to want stay on top of numerous power weapons on this map. Numerous. Unlike Countdown, you have to watch out for more than just a couple of rounds from a Shotgun or a quick swipe with a Sword. Reflection houses Rockets, an Energy Sword, Shotgun, Needlers, Plasma Pistols and a Sniper Rifle. Which one is best solely relies on what you’re good at — I prefer the Sniper Rifle, personally, and so should you.

Needlers do a great deal of damage when you’re firing from the right range. The Needler spawns by Red spawn and by the double lift side hallway. So either way, you need to beat your enemies there.

If you’re too far, the Needler won’t read the target. If you’re too close, your enemy will easily avoid those flying pink things (or as we, and only we, yes this is unique to us, call them — needles.) On Reflection, firing a Needler down one of the hallways will do the trick. Just always make sure to fire slightly ahead of your enemies, as your needles will find them. The way to avoid the needles is to stay ahead of some idiot shooting right at, or behind you. Don’t be that idiot, nobody likes “that guy.”


Try hitting enemies in open areas who are at mid-range.


Plasma Pistols also work great in combination with a Rifle or Magnum when at mid-range. Use the plasma pistol to get their shields down, and then shoot them like the sitting ducks you’ve made them. Just make sure nobody else is around to poach your kill. If you’ve made it ripe, you deserve to chew the succulent fruits of the murder you are about to commit *bites tenderly into a blood orange*.


Also, if you’re sprinting around the hallways or rooms down below, this will enable you to do a one-two punch.

Having a Shotgun will give anyone the opportunity to camp. Granted, you and the enemy may not be camping in the room where I occasionally drink tea at the bottom part of the map, but players are prone to crouching on the top part of the map — because that actually works a lot better than at the bottom (you have the upper hand there, you see.) *Drinks a light sip of tea made from the blood of his enemies*


Many like to camp on the top part of the map. Best thing to do? ‘Nades, natch. That and hoping their teammate isn’t around the corner waiting with a Sword. Also note that crouching while going up the elevator lift will not grant you supreme invisibility to your enemy. In fact, they may already be looking at you. Right. Now. Watch your back (and your front.) Always.



Rockets are THE thing to have on this map. The spawn is located on the mid-section of the map by the mini-waterfall, near Red spawn, or as I like to call it “that place where it’s easy to get killed because everyone’s going for the rockets.” You can make a mad dash to them as a Blue team member, but don’t expect repeated successful results.


Many will attempt to grab Rockets, and who can blame them? There’s not much you can do if you’re running down the hallway with Rockets waiting for you at the end.

The Energy Sword spawns at the bottom part of the map at the pond, so get it before that rat bastard fish gets his fins on it.


If you do get your hands on it, make sure to stay up top where the hallways are so that your enemies won’t have much maneuvering room. You will be as a God.

If you thought being on Blue team was already bad, then you won’t be happy to know that any Red team member can sprint down to the spawn and ‘nade any unsuspecting enemies. So, unlike the Cold War, Red is the way to go in this map, unfortunately.


The Sniper Rifle spawns on the highest level. It’s easy for Blue team to get first, especially if you have a Jetpack. So hopefully you have a good sniper on your team that can own people left and right with little to no protection. It’s really a great sniping spot for this map.


The Sniper Rifle allows players to snipe from its spawn and towards Red team spawn. Not to mention you can aim down hallways. That’s always nice too, so take advantage of it like you would a live grenade on a dead enemy’s belt. 



In the case of using Camo as an armor ability on this map, its main purpose, whether you like it or not, is to scramble the enemies motion tracker. Let’s face it: If you’re not up there by Sniper Spawn, then the enemy is. The real question is what weapons do they have?


Since Swords and Shotguns are the most common, you must rely on when that enemy is going to peek out at you to get a quick kill. If someone’s Camo is messin’ with motion trackers, those poor players walking down the hallway won’t know what hit them. This armor ability can be used in both support for the team or in Ninja-like fashion. Either way, on a relatively mid to close range map (unless you’re sniping) this really comes in handy even though it’s arguably the most annoying armor ability.


Sprinting will do what it does best: Get you there quicker. Like I mentioned earlier, Sprint can be used to get to sword spawn as Red team at the same time as Blue team gets there. Besides that, Sprint should be used as a tool for flanking. The most sought after spot on the map is by the Sniper Rifle spawn. Get there quick, and own ass at it. Also, unless you’re good at it already, don’t try no-scoping people. Just have a better close/mid-range gun ready for when people blow up your spot.


There are three ways to get there without using a Jetpack. If you’re team decides to rush in on Shotgun side, it might be a good idea to sprint around and attack the enemies while their backs are to you. Talk to your team. You’ll get it done. Good luck.


Jetpackers beware, there’s not much you can do when there are many places you can be seen from if you decide to fly. While Jetpacking is my preferred choice of Armor Ability during games, it becomes apparent that there’s not much you can do if you’re in the air and your target is in armor lock, or has sprinted away.

“I’m so alone”

Jetpacking should instead be used to help flank enemies. Also, make sure you have a DMR. There’s no point in flying up just to spray bullets at low accuracy and make yourself an easy, slow-moving target. When is the last time floating conveniently made anything hard to shoot?


Armor Lock can be used to most players’ advantage, especially if you don’t have a power weapon at your disposal.


Strategic players will send teammates who have armor lock out first with other teammates behind for support. Others will leave him there to simply and stupidly postpone his own inevitable death. Armor Lock, pffft. More like a death sentence.


Sending out Holograms can work when going down hallways. Because some portions of the map are one-way, it’s a “fool me once…” deal. So, you know, fool them once (unless they’re dumb.)


If you decide to use holograms, make sure you’re not too far away or hiding. It’s easy to trace a hologram back to its origin point, unless you’re creative. Either way, you should know the difference between holograms and regular folks at this point.


TIP #3 – Power Bottoms

The place to control on this map is definetly the area around the Sniper Rifle spawn. Your sniper will always be on top. From here, you can see the action going on down by Rockets, Sword, and you can also keep an eye on the hallways leading to your position. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, so you’re going to want to position yourself and your teammates at the right place — or nearer to the bottom. Plan according to armor ability and weapon. If your teammate has a close-range weapon, have them near the elevator lift or near the most enemy-populated hallway. Once you own this area, it’s really just a defense of your awesome sniper, shooting people’s bodies until their families get sad letters in a few weeks.


If you have a Rifle or mid-ranged weapon, it’s best to stay near Sniper Rifle spawn and fight as a team when enemies show up. Remember, multiple ‘nades will come flying at you. Stay on top of those power weapons, and you should be good to go. Stay on top.



Teabag Prevention Written by:


Edited by:

Brian Gilmore 

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As always, special thanks to Louis Wu and HBO