bad movies

Bad Movies And The Importance Of Sincerity

The messages are important.

Horror Movie Night – Episode 20: Spookies

This week the gang get together and suffer through Spookies

Guilty Pleasures: Saturday the 14th Strikes Back

Saint Mort gets nostalgic for bad 80’s horror comedies that he used to watch on Cinemax

This Geek in Netflix: BreadCrumbs

Some weeks it feels like I just can’t win the horror movie lottery, no matter how many tickets […]

This Geek in Netflix: 2-Headed Shark Attack

If you’re anything like me, you lay awake at night pondering deeply philosophical questions.  Am I the sum […]

This Geek in Netflix: Shark Attack 3: Megalodon

I’m full of roiling hate, oceans of roiling hate containing gigantic sharks with teeth bigger than my rather […]

This Geek in Netflix: Birdemic

Early this week, Mr. Matt Kelly said, “Hey, Allison, you should review Birdemic for your weekly column.  It’ll […]

This Geek in Netflix: Ghosts of Goldfield

Rarely do I get stir-crazy and bored while watching horror movies. There’s nearly always something redemptive about them, […]