‘Super Bomberman R’ Announced For Nintendo Switch! Developed By Original Hudson Devs!

One of the biggest surprises from last weeks Nintendo Switch presentation was the reveal of Super Bomberman R. ‘Developed and published by Konami, Super Bomberman R is a brand new Bomberman game developed by the original Hudson devs who made the series! The game will feature a full on story mode, along with an 8 player battle mode online or local!

The game is set to be a Switch exclusive, and is planned for launch of the console, but doesn’t have a concrete price yet. This is a pretty crazy turn for Konami as the company hasn’t been getting much positive press coverage for the past 2 years. This is a great first step that shows Konami is serious about changing their ways and actually giving back to their fans that hunger for their older I.P’s. Check out the trailer below and get hyped!