‘Overwatch’ Officially Adding A Deathmatch Mode, And It’s Availble Now On PC!!

Gear up! It’s finally happening!

This morning Jeff Kaplan from the Overwatch team made a big announcement that the game will finally be receiving a Deathmatch mode via the Arcade. The mode will be split into 2 modes. Regular Deathmatch (up to 20 points) and Team Deathmatch (up to 30 points). Maps in the mode have been tweaked from their original versions to properly fit in, and there’ll even be a new map based off of Widowmaker titled Chateau Guillard.

Also being added are token points. These are usually rewarded to the top 4 players in the match and will help count towards earning your weekly Lootboxes in Arcade. The best part? The mode is available on the PTR for PC right now! Get the rest of the info as well as a more in depth talk about the game tokens in the video below!