Joss Whedon Wanted To Direct ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’

Pretty much as soon as word broke that Disney had acquired Lucasfilm and that we’d see Star Wars: Episode VII coming to theaters in 2015, fans have been talking about a desire to see Joss Whedon helm the next chapter. That was until they remembered that Whedon would be directing the sequel to a little movie called The Avengers. Well, don’t worry. You weren’t the only one who forgot about it. At first Whedon thought “Maybe I should see if I can get the job”, before remembering he already was a little tied up.


“I’m as angry as you should be. When I heard that I was like, ‘I wonder… no, I really can’t do that. Oh, I already have a job.’ I wouldn’t clear the Avengers. I’m having so much fun with that sequel right now, just with the script, that I couldn’t imagine not doing it.”


Whedon is currently also working on Marvel and ABC’s S.H.I.E.L.D. television series at the moment and told CNN that the show is reminding him how “taxing television can be”.


“I’d forgotten how much work TV was so I’m cranky at everybody all the time. But it’s really fun. We have a beautiful ensemble and we’re having so much fun coming up with the stories. It really is like working at Marvel Comics, which was a dream of mine as a kid because this little book ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ that not that many people read …[The show’s] not as big as the movies [and] we’re telling smaller stories but we get to do it more often. “


Source: CNN