I Don’t Know What ‘No Man’s Sky’ Is, But It Looks Absolutely Incredible!

Briefly: What game stole this year’s VGX awards? Some folks are saying that it was Telltale’s confirmation of a Game of Thrones game, but most are looking towards Hello Games and their newly announced No Man’s Sky.

Very little was revealed about the title, aside from the fact that almost the entire this is procedurally generated, and that it looks absolutely gorgeous. This mean’s that, similarly to titles like Minecraft, the game’s world is not set, but instead algorithmically created by the game itself.

The title looks to feature a ton of exploration. From checking out wildlife at the bottom of the ocean, to blasting asteroids (and other ships) in the middle of space, No Man’s Sky has got it all.

Take a look at the game’s first trailer below, and let us know what you think. We’ll be sure to share more No Man’s Sky info as soon as it’s released!