Horror Movie Night Episode 78: From Beyond (1986)

Listeners, welcome to a new world – one where exposure to too many horror podcasts leads to a skinny little wiener popping out of your foreheads and everyone getting drenched in authentic KY Jelly(tm). There’s also some odd sexual side effects, but hey, you’re getting some, so don’t complain. This week’s pick is the delightfully gooey and weird From Beyond (1986), starring Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, and Bubba the Ex-Football Player. If this intro doesn’t get you primed for action, then we don’t know what will… Hope you don’t mind some light bondage, and oh, the safe word is Horror Movie Night!

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Do you have a movie suggestion for us or just want to tell us stories about your experiences with the movies we’ve watched? Send them to us at HMNPodcast@gmail.com

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