Geekscape Comics Reviews: Grayson Vol. 1: Agents of Spyral

As I sat down with my coffee and the trade of Grayson Vol. 1: Agents of Spyral I planned to read a couple issues and then go onto something else. That wasn’t quite what happened. I read the first issue then decided I would read the second, then the third… next thing I knew I was through all seven of them.

Dick Grayson, who is no longer Robin, Nightwing or even believed to be living anymore is recruited to become an agent for the shady organization called Spyral. However, it is clear by the end of the first issue that he is a double agent for Batman. The first issue also provides a great summary of Grayson’s history that both old and new fans of the character will appreciate. It serves to immediately connect readers with Grayson. If you aren’t one of the many fans who already love him, after reading a few issues of this you probably will be as Seeley and King do a great job of creating a character that is easy to admire and cheer for. Grayson is fun, positive and possesses a great sense of humor. However there are still plenty of moments where we see him struggling with decisions that he is forced to make on the job.

The book itself could be described in much the same way as Grayson; it’s fun and never takes itself too seriously. It is an easy book to read but still provides deep moral questions and concepts to study and discuss if you wanted to. With each issue the series seems to pick up steam. Seeley and King always seems to leave just enough unanswered questions in each issue to make you want to jump into the next one.

Janin’s provides great art throughout each issue. From the beginning he does an awesome job showing off Grayson’s acrobatic ability and finesse. During the books more powerful moments his art and ability to capture the character’s emotion on the page makes the moments all the more powerful. From the headquarters of Spyral to many different outdoors and cityscapes, the settings and the backgrounds are always gorgeous.

The only complaint I’d have about this trade is that it doesn’t end on much of a cliffhanger. Each issue left me wanting more except for the last one but maybe I was just getting tired of reading?

If you’re looking for something new to read be sure to checkout Grayson Vol. 1: Agents of Spyral when it hits shelves June 9th or pick up a few single issues now!

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