E3 2017: Nintendo’s Booth Was Amiibo Heaven! Take A Look At 2017’s Offerings

When it comes to Nintendo products, you know we’re all still hopelessly addicted to amiibo, the interactive figurines that have cornered entire sections of our homes. Like a pusher in the center of New Donk City trying to set us up with our next fix, the company had all of their new toys to life characters on display ahead of their 2017 releases.

This hodgepodge of plastic run the gaming gamut. From Bayonetta to Final Fantasy‘s Cloud, the just announced Tiki and Chrom from Fire Emblem, Samus and a Metroid, the four Champions from Breath of the Wild, and Bowser in a pimp suit, it’s hard not to see how there’s something for everyone when it comes to yanking those $15 out of your pocket. And those Link’s. So many Link’s…

Check out our gallery below and check them out for yourselves! I’m hoping that we get even more surprises as the year pushes forward, (namely those Monster Hunter Stories and BoxBoy amiibo that are currently exclusive to Japan). Which ones are you looking forward to the most? Do you already have your pre-orders down? And how are you going to explain bringing a dozen more toys in the house to your roommate/parents/significant other!? Share your strategies with us below so we don’t lose all of our relationships.