Dark Horse to Release Buffyverse Sampler

So you like Buffy, you love Joss Whedon, but for whatever reason you never made the jump from the television show to the comic book, and now you feel that it’s too late to join in on all the fun. Well, Dark Horse, the publisher who cranks out the continuing adventures of your favorite Slayer and her inept friends, hopes you’ll give them a chance and potentially hook you as a reader on January 23, 2013, with the release of the Buffyverse Sampler.

In addition to the first issue of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 (yes, I know Buffy had 7 seasons aired, but it’s been a comic book since 2007. Catch up on season 8 in the trades, if you haven’t already), the sampler will include the full first issues of SpikeAngel & Faith, and Willow.

In total, there will be 96 pages of 1st issue shininess, at the low cover price of $4.99. So, Whedonites and Buffers (or whatever it is you call yourselves) assemble and pick up a copy of the Sampler. Be it for yourself or, like some kind of sick crank dealer, for a friend who just doesn’t quite understand your love (no, don’t order a copy for me).

Also, it features this cover by C. L. Bradley. Now I know you want it.