We Recap Comikaze 2015’s ‘Spark Your Creativity’ Panel

Have you ever had an idea for a project but just did not know where to start? Has not knowing how to proceed stopped you from working on creative projects? Then the ‘Spark Your Creativity’ panel at Comikaze is just for you. Here is a recap on the helpful and informative panel that was lead by accomplished female creators. Do not worry guys, this is for you as well.


What made you a creator?

Emily Blake – She was tired of writing and having it go into the void, so she recommended making projects yourself.
Jenna Busch – She was tired of not being able to say the things she wanted to about feminism.
America Young – She was tired of seeing so much talent around her that was not working and decided “…let’s start making stuff.”
Miley Yamamoto – Added that for her, it was the diversity angle. There are so many roles for Asians that are all unnamed characters such as Nurse #1.

Tips to getting started.

Holly Payne – “…find your audience and target them.” You want to build a community because they will be the ones who support your project. Make sure to use social media. She concluded with saying, “Dedicate yourself completely and fully and to surround yourself with like-minded people.”
Jenna Busch – Gave the hard but important advice of, “Grow a thick skin.” She went on to say that if you have a vision to stick with it and she jokingly, but at the same time, seriously said, “Don’t read the comments.”
Melanie Recker – Find out what makes you tick and be true to what matters to you. Finding out what is most important to you can spark your creativity.
Emily Blake – Collaboration. She went on to say that if you don’t know about everything find others and work together. “Surround yourself with people who know what to do.” For example, if you do not know how to work a camera, you find a cinematographer.
Miley Yamamoto – Added that projects like the 48 Hour Film Festival are great because you can join a team and learn by hands on experience. If you want to do hosting, just start filming and upload to YouTube.
America Young – You will be there at the beginning, middle and end so you must love what you are working on.
Stephanie Pressman – Your first project doesn’t have to be good and then you will get better.
Jenna Busch – Don’t stare at a blank page. You can even just start writing a grocery list. Action leads to more action.
Holly Payne – First thing every morning write for 10 minutes. Just like you have to exercise your body, you need to exercise your mind.
Melanie Recker – Find a designer. Make friends with someone who will be able to communicate your vision.


Jenna Busch – Work on your twitter account to develop a social media presence. She added that she has gotten jobs through Twitter. Look at the work you like and why you like it, then communicate through twitter to ask questions.
Holly Payne – We have broader access than ever before. Find your audience and reach out to them. Communicate.
Kristen Nedopak – Get out in the world. We are always online and often stay in our own little space. Find people who do what you want and connect with them.
Miley Yamamoto – Google is your friend. You can find images to convey what you’re thinking. Do your homework. Those images can help inspire your team.
Heidi Cox – Bring on people who can add to your ideas.
Holly Payne – Make sure what you do is legal. With licensed products you have to check. Be careful not to steal ideas. Do your homework.
Stephanie Pressman – The companies that own those licensed products can sometimes help so make sure to do your homework.
Jenna Busch – Always worth asking.


Was there ever a time you lost confidence in your work and what did you do about it?

Jenna Busch – Became involved in Gamergate when she started her project and received death threats. Then she read Felicia Day’s post about never giving up. Jenna suggested to look at what the project means to you, step away, and take a break. “If it feels like it’s time to give it up, you’ll know.”
Heidi Cox – Delete bad comments. If you have something to say, say it! If no one sees it, who cares? You got it out there.
America Young – People need to earn their opinion. If some troll with no credibility says something, ignore it. However, sometimes they may be right. If someone you respect gives you advice then you should listen to it.
Melanie Recker – Only listen to the really close people in your life.
Miley Yamamoto – Had a scary experience and it’s hard when you are threatened. It took her a long time to recover but she feels stronger now. Use a PO Box!


Look into it because it could be public domain.
You cannot sell it if it is licensed but that doesn’t mean you can’t make it.
Do your research.
See if you can get an option. Ask because you never know. If you are passionate about a project, you can possibly get the rights for next to nothing. For example, Stephen King has sold the rights to some of his projects for only $1.


Chicks Who Script (podcast)
SAG Indie (free workshops once a month)

I hope the advice above inspires you. Also, all of the panelists encouraged communication with them. They all want to help you so you do not have to go through what they have. Reach out, make friends and start creating!