Cartoon Network Announces ‘Steven Universe: Save The Light’

2 Years ago Cartoon Network released an IOS/Android game titled Steven Universe: Attack the Light to modest success. The shows creator Rebecca Sugar had a big hand in helping bring the game to life by implementing a lot of what she loved about early Nintendo titles. She took inspiration from the backgrounds in Yoshi’s island and also implemented the turn based combat style of the Paper Mario games to create a fun experience for anyone that’s a fan of the show.

This morning though, Cartoon Network has announced that not only is a sequel in production and coming out this summer, but that this time its coming to home consoles. Steven Universe: Save the Light doesn’t have a concrete release date or even specific platforms yet, but more info on the game will be revealed this weekend at PAX East. The games story will be written by Sugar herself just like last time, and will continue the turn based RPG of the previous games. Are you excited for the game? Did you ever play Attack the Light? Tell us in the comments below!